Power Phrases
Much like power words, power phrases appeal to a visitor or customer’s emotions. Don’t ever underestimate the power of emotions, considering power phrases are powerful precisely because they appeal to emotions. A great way to start creating power phrases for your site is to brainstorm how your product or service makes your customers feel (or how you would like it to make them feel). It is sometimes easier to start by creating short power phrases using some power words that you are comfortable with. Power phrases should not be complicated. In fact, they can be as simple as “Fast! Easy! Affordable!”
Power Phrases elicit emotions.
The purpose of power phrases is really to make your customer feel excited about whatever the site may be offering. Power phrases rarely include specifics about your product, but rather provoke the customer or visitor to be interested in anything you may be selling, even if they do not know at first glance what it is. That is what makes power phrases truly incredible—their ability to motivate interest even while remaining general, non-specific statements.
Power phrases are useful in headlines as well as in the main body text so be sure to include them in both. Making a list of possible power phrases is certainly helpful when writing copy because they can serve as statements to support with more text. This serves as a good way of brainstorming prior to beginning copywriting. Brainstorming should be a fun task, especially for power words where everything should be positive, fun, and exciting. If the phrases you create are not interesting to you or your team, then you need to continue developing them until they are inspirational and appealing.
At SEOnext, we take care to conduct research and our copywriters follow all the advice and tips throughout our site to create copy that is bound to be successful and satisfactory to our clients. Our main goal is to contribute to the success of your business and we have a wide array of copywriters that are assigned to a case based on interest and experience. One copywriter may be great at writing headlines or brainstorming power phrases while another is particularly skillful at writing the body of the text. It may be overwhelming to think one person must be the creative genius behind successful online marketing, but in reality it takes plenty of teamwork and a staff that has a divergent set of skills.